Physical Therapy

Your 1:1 physical therapy session will be personalized to meet your needs and get you back to the activities you enjoy.

Your session can include any combination of the following:

  • Dr. Emily is one of the few women’s health physical therapists that offers internal pelvic floor manual therapy. This specialized work can help to solve your pelvic floor pain and symptoms. If you have tried other therapists and your issues haven’t been solved, this work could be the missing link.
  • Dr. Emily also offers additional manual therapies like massage, myofascial release, joint mobilization, dry needling, trigger point release, cupping, etc. to relax your muscles, soothe your nervous system and calm your mind.
  • Functional therapeutic exercises to help you feel stronger on hikes, get you back in your favorite yoga class, pick up your baby with confidence and have fun running after your kids without worry.

You will leave each session feeling empowered with knowledge. You will understand exactly what caused your discomfort or symptoms in the first place, and what is exactly needed to solve the issue for good.

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Women's Health & Nutrition Coaching

If you feel like you don’t have control over your body’s symptoms, especially in your pelvic region then 1:1 women’s online health coaching with Dr. Emily is your answer.

She will reduce any confusion you have about what is happening to your body and why.

Following your online 1:1 sessions with Dr. Emily’s guidance, you experience more energy, improved intimacy and connection in your relationships, improved productivity and fulfillment in your career, less stress and anxiety and more.

Dr. Emily’s health coaching sessions are more than just health and coaching for your body. You might be surprised at how other areas of your life improve as well.

Coaching will be individualized based on your needs and may include:

  • A personalized nutrition plan to nourish mind, body, and spirit for improved energy
  • A custom fitness program tailored to your body and exercise style for enhanced functional strength and confidence in your body
  • A home detox plan for hormone optimization and nervous system regulation
  • Your customized sleep blueprint for deeper and better night’s sleep
  • Individualized stress reduction framework for less anxiety in your day to day to be more present and connected in your relationships
  • Online targeted pain reduction techniques to empower you to confidently care for yourself independently
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Yoga Therapy

When Dr. Emily first started doing yoga, she thought it was a compeition. As a competitive athlete, she though everything was a competition. 

She ended up hurting herself over and over again trying to look like someone else in each yoga class she took.

Eventually she discovered her body's own unique needs and the styles of yoga that were most beneficial for her body.

  • Dr. Emily's yoga teacher's training and then doctorate in physical therapy program helped her to understand the body and where many yogis go wrong and end up causing themselves pain or injury. If you're not familiar, there are these foundations in yoga called "yamas" and the first one is "ahimsa." Ahimsa is living in a way as to cause no harm to ourselves or others. If you're hurting yourself in class or having pain or discomfort afterward, we need to talk.
  • When you understand your specific tendencies in yoga, you can learn to protect your body and embrace all of what yoga class has to offer without the fear of walking away in pain. 
  • Yoga is a powerful way to bring awareness to the body. It helps us to stop with our busy days and listen to the wisdom that is within.
  • It can be an amazing practice to build strength, flexibility, balance and endurance in the body so you can feel limitless in your day-to-day.
  • One of the benefits of yoga is stress reduction and helping you to breathe with ease. And when personalized and tailored to you, yoga is a great pain reliever.

In these 1:1 in-person Yoga Therapy sessions with Dr. Emily, you'll be met at whatever level you're at to help you meet your goals.

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